Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The 2008 seal hunt, one of the largest scale slaughters of mammals in the world, has begun. This year Canada will club nearly 300,000 of to death. And those will be the lucky ones. Many others will survive the bludgeoning, only to be left to die because our skins are not fashionable enough.

Every year, Canadian fishermen from Newfound and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Prince Edward Island club hundreds of thousands of baby seals for their fur. Below you can see some footage from last year. WARNING: It’s not pretty.

We need your help!

In 2010, the Canadian city of Vancouver will host the Winter Olympics. It’s an opportunity for the people of the world to send a clear message to the people and the government of Canada that state-sanctioned animal cruelty of this nature is no longer tolerated in the civilized world.

Here’s what you can do:
  • Urge the sportsmen in your country to boycott the Vancouver games.
  • Write to the Prime Minister of Canada urging him to end this barbaric practice.
  • Boycott products of all the Olympic sponsors until they pull out of the sponsorship deals.
  • Sign up to our mailing list.
  • Spread the word to your friends.

Enter your email to join Boycott 2010 today!


Hosted By Topica

Thank you for helping us.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Lets see here
Leather, beef, pork, chicken, fish
Those are only a small selection of the various things that ninety five percent of the people on the planet consume or use on a daily basis that also involve the death of countless animals. Now explain to me the difference between slaughtering a cow for beef and leather and killing a seal for its fur?
Thats kinda what I thought, there isn't one.
Killing a cow, or a seal or a chicken is not animal cruelty, it is simply a part of the natural life cycle.
If you are too startlingly dumb to understand that, then I am sure they don't want you at the olympics anyway. Well, maybe the special olympics...

Anonymous said...

Only the Inuit people are legally allowed to hunt like this, like they've been doing for hundreds of years. It would be unfair to take something that they've been doing this long away. Anyone else is not allowed, as this would be considered poaching, and boycotting the Olympics is a pretty lame fad.

Anonymous said...

@ the argument on cows and seals: There's a difference between killing an animal to sustain life, and doing so for fashion. The death of a seal merely for a nice coat is a waste of life.

@ the argument on Inuit hunting: Doing something for an extended length of time doesn't change anything. Slavery has been practiced since prehistory, and persists in certain places to this day. In some places, that's just "the way it was."

In no way does that make it right.

Figglet said...

"@ the argument on cows and seals: There's a difference between killing an animal to sustain life, and doing so for fashion. The death of a seal merely for a nice coat is a waste of life."

since when is having a double cheese burger at lunch considered 'life sustaining' food?

you don't *need* to eat meat to survive. anyone that claims such is simply ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Can I club the little bastard? Pretty please?